The Parts Credit function allows you bring parts back into stock to correct your QOH and give you control over whether you refund the customer or use the credited amount as a deposit for future sales.
If you are able to locate the original invoice that is being credited
- In the Sale Lookup, locate and click on the original invoice.
- Click Credit at the bottom of the window.
- Select a Partial or a Full Credit. This will open the credit window for you.
- Ensure all client and date details are correct.
- If you selected Partial credit, ensure the Qty Returned field has been filled out.
- Click Process Credit.
If you are unable to locate the original invoice
If you are unable to locate the original invoice, you can still process a parts credit but will require to add the part numbers and quantities to be returned.
Please note: check the unit price is correct to avoid over- or under- paying the customer.
- Click New Sale/Client Order under the Sell Parts tab.
- Ensure the correct charge Code, client and date have been entered in the provided fields.
- Between the staff and part number fields, select Credit Note.
- Add the parts being credited in the part number field.
- Type in the number of parts being credited in the Qty Returned field.
- Click Process Credit.
Refunding Payment or Retain as future Deposit
At the end of both these processes, you will be asked whether you would like to perform a standard refund or keep the amount as a deposit.
If refund is selected, you will then be required to enter how payment has been made. This will not automatically pay the customer - this will still need to be processed via the EFTpos terminal, bank transfer made, or cash provided then reconciled in banking.
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How to add a deposit onto a parts invoice
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